Peace Crane by Hilary Taylor

Peace Crane by Hilary Taylor
Picture by Justin Wyatt
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Gentle Footprints launched- AS SEEN ON TV

Gentle Footprints was officially launched Fri June 4th at the Hay Festival with guest speaker Virginia McKenna and some of the authors

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Virginia McKenna at Hay Launch

Virginia McKenna at Hay Launch

Animal Anthology To Raise Funds for Born Free

Bridge House Publishing announce new book coming Spring 2010. For more about Bridge House please see their website.
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Visit the Born Free Website to find out more about their valuable work...

Sunday 18 April 2010

Here are some interesting facts – the pleasant stuff first:

Moon Bears are actually “Asiatic Black Bears” and get their affectionate name from the crescent moon shaped markings across their chest. Every Moon Bear's chest markings are different in colour and shape; ranging from cream or pale yellow to deep orange-gold, and from deep V's to delicate crescents, some are even speckled!

They are found in heavily forested areas all across Southern Asia, from Pakistan, throughout China, to Japan. They often live at higher altitudes but have a large home territory which can take in many different terrains.

Adult Moon Bears weigh anything up to 450 lbs. with the male growing to almost double the size and weight of the female. They are similar in size and appearance to the American black bear, to which they are closely related.

They love to climb and tend to sleep in trees or caves and their diet consists of fruit, vegetables, insects, small animals, carcasses and yes, they do love honey! In fact they like it so much they will break open bee-hives with their heavy paws, often being painfully stung on their muzzle many times over just to get to the treat inside. Occasionally, Moon Bears may attack livestock or raid crops.

Moon Bears tend to be solitary and crepuscular (active at dawn and dusk) once they reach adulthood. They can survive for up to 35 years in captivity, though usually live for 25 -30 years in the wild. They often hibernate between November and April and tend to give birth to twins in April or May. Although weaned by 4-6 months, the cubs stay with their mothers for around the first two years of their life.

They have a large vocabulary, making clucking sounds during play, "tut-tut-tut" sounds in warning and huffing sounds when about to attack. Females are more vocal than males.

Moon Bears love water and like nothing more than swimming and splashing around! You’ll often find them lounging around belly up in shallow pools.

Like most bears, Moon Bears are highly intelligent, inquisitive, mischievous and fun loving creatures. They are resourceful, strong and determined in play and foraging for food. They tend to sleep for large chunks of the day when the sun is strongest.

Bears like all creatures are specifically designed for life in their natural environment. Two important features the bears are long, strong and sharp claws and exceedingly long tongues. Their claws aid them in climbing, digging for food and ripping things apart to access the food inside. Their tongues are perfect for extracting hard to get insects, nuts and berries from inside trees or under rocks and logs. Without these attributes it would be much more difficult for them to survive in the wild.

Tomorrow, the tragic plight of the Moon Bears.

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